Dunyoda bir vaqtning o'zida shu qadar ko'p urushlar bo'lyaptiki, ularni sanab o'tishning o'zigayoq ancha vaqt ketadi. Germaniyaning Myunxen shahrida mana shu urushlarning muhokamas
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Live Anime Wallpaper Xenoblade Chronicles
AQSh vitse-prezidenti Jey Di Vens Myunxen xavfsizlik konferensiyasidagi nutqi bilan dunyoni lol qoldirdi. Amerika va Yevropa munosabatlari 180 gradusga o‘zgarmoqda. Siyosatshunos K
00:00 - Anons
00:40 - Ukrainadagi urushning 3 xil tugash ssenariysi ko‘rib chiqildi
01:56 - Tayvandagi savdo markazida portlash yuz berdi
02:47 - Myunxenda noma’lum
Wow! Disney just announced a new standalone Alien prequel that tells the sympathetic feminist origin story of the Xenomorph Queen -- along with five other feminist movies! Kyle and
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• Credits:
Clipmaker: Sarvar Botirov
Music: Shuhrat Jo’rayev
Lyrics: Shuhrat Jo’rayev
Super Dragon Ball Heroes - SS4 Limit Breaker Broly vs. SSB Vegito & Xeno Vegito
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Myunxendagi 60-xavfsizlik konferensiyasi global hamjamiyatda o‘zaro ishonchsizlik kuchaygan fonda o‘tdi. Unda Rossiya-Ukraina urushi va G‘azodagi qirg‘inbarot asosiy mavzular bo‘ld
0:34 Isroil hujumlarida G’azoda 60 ta qurbon
1:33 Zelenskiy Shimoliy Koreya Ukraina urushiga aralashayotganidan xavotirda
3:34 Pxenyanning raketa sinovi kimga tahdid?
0:29 "Katta Yettilik" Ukrainani qo'llab-quvvatlashda davom etadi
2:31 Putinning tinchlik uchun shartlari
5:10 Seul: Pxenyan Rossiyaga snaryadlar bilan yordam bermoqda
0:30 BMT yana bir bor G’azoda ochlik xavfi haqida ogohlantirdi
2:40 Shimoliy Koreya ballistik raketa texnologiyasini kuchaytirmoqda
4:14 AQSh va Seul Pxenyan Rossiyaga qo
0:31 Janubiy Afrika saylovida hukmron partiya g’olib
2:07 Meksika tarixida ilk bor ayol prezidentlikka saylandi
4:38 Hind parlament saylovida berilgan ovozlar hisoblandi<
Ukraina prezidenti Volodimir Zelenskiy Myunxen xavfsizlik konferensiyasi doirasidagi panel muhokamasida ishtirok etib, AQSH bilan aloqalar, nodir resurslarni qazib olish to‘g‘risid
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Watch John's new documentary, "Movie Trailers: A Love Story" available now worldwide at http://www.vimeo.com/ondemand/movietrailers and also available in the US and UK on Amazon Vi
Watch John's new documentary, "Movie Trailers: A Love Story" available now worldwide at http://www.vimeo.com/ondemand/movietrailers and also available in the US and UK on Amazon Vi
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