While promoting his upcoming movie Cyrano, Peter Dinklage had some choice words for Disney! He called them out for their upcoming "progressive" live action remake of Snow White!
Dunyoda bir vaqtning o'zida shu qadar ko'p urushlar bo'lyaptiki, ularni sanab o'tishning o'zigayoq ancha vaqt ketadi. Germaniyaning Myunxen shahrida mana shu urushlarning muhokamas
8 yoshli Veronikaning qilgan ishini butun Rossiya muhokama qilmoqda. Onasi va singlisi bilan yashaydigan qizaloq Birinchi kanal efirida uydagi zo'ravonlik haqida xabar beruvchi max
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Is this real life? Didn't we just talk about this? Disney Star Wars keeps making the same mistakes over and over, as they are being blasted for using Finn during Black History mo
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Disney Star Wars tries to use "Finn" to propagate their Virtue Signal, but conveniently forgets their own history. It, ofcourse, backfired and exposed their blatant hypocrisy.
Gov. Ron DeSantis has signaled support for stripping Disney of its 55-year-old special status that allows it to operate as an independent government around its Orlando-area theme p
Saudiya Arabistonida Ukrainadagi vaziyatni tinch yo‘l bilan hal etish yuzasidan RF ishtirokisiz muzokaralar bo‘lib o‘tdi. Unda 40 ta davlatdan kelgan diplomatlar qatnashdi. Saudiya
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Monique Coleman says there's a perfectly good explanation why her old Disney Channel costar, Zac Efron, didn't join in on a big broadcast sing-along ... the almighty Wi-Fi signal.<
What awaits the iron monster Dorian, salvation or final destruction? Using the rest of his strength, steel giant Dorian sends a signal for help. His brothers heard this signal and
Come with us as we board our first Disney Cruise since the reopening. We are going on a four night journey on the Disney Magic out of San Diego and this is our first day. See how d
Turkiya tashqi ishlar vaziri mamlakat BRIKSga qo‘shilish istagida ekanini aytishi bilan, Rossiya quchoq ochib kutib olishini bildirdi. Xo‘sh, Anqaraning ham NATO, ham BRIKS tarkibi
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' is going after the state's largest employer, Disney, for publicly rejecting the "Don't Say Gay" bill that he just signed into law. He signaled suppor
A comprehensive video tour of Disney Cruise Line's Disney Magic in 4K. https://squarespace.com/benanddavid to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code BEN
That Favreau won the Lucasfilm Civil War is clear, but now as Kennedy's power wanes at Lucasfilm to the extent that not only is she not in charge of Star Wars, her pet project got
This is what happens when you try to virtue signal. Disney's "Strange World" goes Woke & then goes broke. Taken from the full episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8k1P0H9LxI. <
Disney: Ruins Mulan To Virtue Signal & Please The Chinese, Also Disney: Ruins Faithful Adaptation For Chinese & Works With A Government That Practices The Opposite of Those Virtues
AQSHda yashovchi o‘zbekistonlik tadqiqotchi Behzod Hoshimov Nyu-York universitetida professor sifatida faoliyat boshlash arafasida. Kun.uz muxbiri Toshkentda bo‘lib turgan iqtisodc
AQSh va Yevropa Rossiyani g’arb davlatlariga qarshi “ashaddiy gibrid urushi” kampaniyasini o’tkazishda ayblamoqda. Bu urushning o’ziga xos jihati jismoniy tahdid, dezinformatsiya,
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Hex plays basketball with Player and damages his transmitter, so w
Today we look at #Disney #DIS #Stock which is just above a 52 week low. A few weeks ago we looked a this stock after earnings, and predicted accurately that from a technical perspe
Today Disney announced its "Together We Can Be Incredible" program to help raise awareness for health and safety guidelines in the fight against Covid. But with this announcement,
Tim, Ian, and Lydia join guest, retired Green Beret weapons specialist and author Jim Hanson, to examine recent public negative reaction to woke virtue signaling in a recent TV sho
Gʻazoni qayta tiklash bo‘yicha AQSH va Isroil arab davlatlarining taklifini rad etdi!
Skype tugadi! May oyidan boshlab endi ishlamaydi!
Grenlandiya Trampga qarshi! “Biz
Mr Bean unloads his newly purchased TV and sets it up, unfortunately, he is having trouble getting a signal.
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