Disney is suffering attacks on multiple fronts now due to recent disclosures of how they're introducing their own form of social engineering into children's entertainment, but this
U.S. Central Asia policy discussion with Congressman Adam Smith (D-Washington), ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee: What are Washington's current priorities in th
U.S. Central Asia policy discussion with Congressman Adam Smith (D-Washington), ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee: What are Washington's current priorities in th
Bu dasturimizda:
00:30 Prezident Tramp Kongressdan nima xohlaydi?
12:48 Guantanamo yana dolzarblashdi
16:27 Oltin karta
16:57 Falastinlik bola taqdiri, Illin
Bugungi dasturimizda,
00:30 Tashqi yordam tiklansin, deydi demokratlar
05:12 Muxolifatning kuchi nimaga yetadi?
08:35 Parranda grippi tuximni qimmatlashtirgan
AQSh Senati a'zolari ayni damda saylovchilar bilan ko'rishish uchun shtatlariga ketgan. Lekin Vashingtonda faoliyat aslo to'xtamaydi. Saylov yaqin. 5-noyabrda nafaqat prezident, ba
AQSh Kongressi a'zolari O'zbekiston elchixonasiga tashrif buyurib, respublika bilan tanishdi. Mehmonlar mamlakat haqida juda oz bilishini tan oladi. Shunday bo'lsa-da, ular O'zbeki
This latest Disney news update focuses on how 'Woke Disney' gave over $190,000 to Florida Republicans just prior to the passing of the Florida Parental Rights in Education Bill tha
10 forgotten disney movies that are actually good. I take a look at Walt Disney you don't remember. If you know a great Disney film that doesn't get the love it deserves, let me kn
Bu dasturimizda:
- Demokrat congressmen Adam Smit fikricha, O’zbekiston AQShning kontrterrorizmga qarshi hamkori bo’la oladi
- Markaziy Osiyoga nisbatan siyosat muhoka
The Lion King is a 1994 American animated musical film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It is the 32nd Disney animated feature film,
Disney Channel aired Public Service Announcements about 9/11 that now look suspiciously like war propaganda. Sources below. Shop my merch at: http://bit.ly/nickmerch
Julia Manchester and Philip Wegmann discuss Governor Ron DeSantis's 2024 prospects.
FILE - Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks during a news conference, Feb. 1, 2022, in Miami. DeS
U.S. congressional candidate and Disney employee Jose Castillo says company executives are following the 'liberal left handbook.' #foxnews
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Jose Castillo, current Walt Disney company employee, U.S. congressional candidate, fact-checks company on ‘Parental Rights in Education’ law on ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ and argues ‘
Walt Disney World has a special status that allows it to operate and run its Orlando theme parks as we know it. But because Disney denounced Florida’s so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bil
The Captain gets a life insurance policy and gives it to his wife. In gratitude she makes him a pie. The Katzenjammer Kids play a trick on the Captain and sneak toads into his pie
The Republican presidential debates never happened... what would it look like if they did?
Ladies and gentlemen
live from the Rea
With the Congressional Fitness Test coming up, Gabby dreads her least favorite physical activity—running! She devises a plan to get out of it that causes mayhem for Swift.
June 20, 2023: Members of the Uzbekistan Caucus in the U.S. Congress (House of Representatives) welcomed a delegation from Tashkent along with the Uzbek ambassador in Washington to