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BRAND NEW TREVOR HENDERSON CREATURES FIGHT!! The new creatures include: Cartoon Dog Ghost Chicken (Hostile Chickens) Whoops i meant Chicken Ghost (God of chickens) Country Road Creature (Human 2) Light Head (Head Light) Highway Worm Little Worm Day 17 Siren Head (Game) Watch them all fight near the end, who will be the last standing? Comment your guess below! Credits for Gmod Pack: Trevor Henderson: Images of the creatures DragoTeryx and Roach: for DrGBase amazing NPC base :) Joelías_N1:for some models and SNPCs jq ue ar y: for siren head model base PootisWizard: for siren head(game) model Sirgibsalot: for the chicken model rebecca_mac: for Cartoon Dog Theme NEW Trevor Henderson Creatures!! Cartoon Dog / Light Head & More! Epic Fight - Gmod Nextbot #trevorhenderson #cartoondog #gmod