Youtubers in my chat:
1. Hwang Ponimator
2. Underlab
General rules:
1. Do not spam
2. Don't ask for mod. Mod trials are currently closed
3. Don't advertise your own or other channels, This is not the place for it
4. No Racism, that is unacceptable and will result in a ban, This Includes Racial Slurs as well.
5. Swearing is allowed, But Slurs such as the Fa**ot are forbidden
6. No Lenny Faces
7. Respect the mods, they are here to keep order
8. Be respectful towards everyone in the chat please. This is suppose to be a friendly stream.
9. Don't make fun of other fandoms. This includes fandom hate.
10. Don't ship people without their permission
11. Don't use depression and self hate for attention
12. No Drama, And don't bring your drama here from other streams/Servers. Please.
13. This is an 18 Plus stream but you are welcome here, Just had to have this here as YouTubes policies are a bit Overzealous at times.
14. No fetish stuff allowed. This includes vore etc. (This includes Abortion roleplays and Pregnancy roleplays, Like- Ew, We don't need to see that)
15. No Suicide/Suicide Rp allowed.
16. No Impersonation of other's, that's low.
17. Add a translation if you're talking in a different language or in the wingding font, It makes it easier.
18. No Harassment outside of roleplay, we don't like it, Not cool. This includes telling people to off themselves, Harm themselves or threatening them with harm.
19. No Homophobic/Transphobic Behaviour is allowed, Everyone is welcome regardless of Gender or preference.
Roleplay Rules
1. Don't invade other peoples roleplay without permission
2. No god modding, It get's annoying for whoever you're roleplaying with, This means You can't dodge/block forever and you cannot one shot other peoples characters.
3. You don't decide what other characters see, feel or where they go, you can only control your own characters.
4. No Sexual roleplays or sexual actions as such, We don't need to see that.
5. Human countries are welcomed to the chat but cannot bring up real life conflicts and wars.
6. Real life soldiers, generals, historical figures and religious people are not allowed to be used as characters and will be banned, As they often cause conflicts with other users
7. Don't talk in caps all the time or you will be timed out. Example: Just spamming caps for every time you type. It get's a bit annoying
8. Don't pull bullshit in roleplays, just to make it have your way. It's unfair and unfun.
Moderators rules:
1. Messages that contain racist information and content are unacceptable and should be removed immediately.
2. If a mod is breaking a rule, other mods are responsible for pulling them up on their behaviour, should they continue a talk with the Stream owner should be had.
3. People who come to the stream specifically to offend others or cause issues (racism, spamming, Raiding or just Trolling for "Shits and giggles") need to be banned.
4. Mods are only allowed to time someone out after warning them once. If someone avoids being timed out, they shall be banned, 3 Timeouts results in a ban.
5. Mods might have more power over others, but they should treat everyone with respect, Mods are not above anyone and behind the screen we are people just like everyone else.
Category :
Kids Channel