Dining at Walt Disney World's Coral Reef Restaurants With Underwater Views of the Seas with Nemo!

  • Hey Wonderful World of Foodies!
    Join us today as we take you on this foodie adventure we filmed back in March of 2018! This episode is of the Coral Reef Restaurant at Epcot at Walt Disney World. Dive into ocean-fresh specialties from around the globe or feast on classic gourmet favorites. This Wonderful World of Food episode was scrapped due to losing my voice and not being my full energetic self which brought the pacing of the video down so I decided not to upload it. Here it is today for your enjoyment. Thanks for watching!
    #Coralreefrestaurant #waltdisneyworld #disneyland #disneylandfood #magicjourneys #epcot

    Category : Kids Channel

