Have you ever wanted to see more of your favorite films? Your favorite live action Disney movies have left a lot of deleted scenes on the cutting room floor. Some of these scenes are small, and don’t change much. Other scenes however, can potentially recontextualize scenes, characters, and entire movies. Sometimes studios will remove large scenes, including entire songs that they felt didn’t fit with the rest of the movie. But audiences may feel differently. When you see these deleted scenes, you may wish that they were kept in the original film. And for other scenes, you’ll understand why they were cut. Which original musical number was cut from Aladdin? What important character moment was removed from Cinderella? And which unsanitary character was excluded from Beauty and the Beast? You’ll have a whole new perspective on these movies once you see the scenes that were left out.
Directors and creators have a vision when making a movie, and sometimes certain scenes they once thought were important are cut when they reconsider their relevance to the plot. They will often cut scenes that don’t do well with test audiences, which ensures that bad, or confusing, scenes don’t make the final cut. Fans can’t help but form their own opinions though, when they watch the deleted scenes after the fact, and wonder what could have been if these scenes were never deleted. What do you think about these deleted scenes? Which scene do you think had the most impact on it’s movie, and shouldn’t have been cut.
00:00 Intro
00:30 Cruella’s Cut Design
01:00 The Queen Comforts Aurora
01:19 Ella’s Letter
01:49 Horace’s Improv
02:21 Ella’s Memento
02:48 Gaston Courts Belle
03:08 Days in the Sun
03:44 Desert Moon
04:01 Hotel Heist
04:25 Philip and Aurora Dance
04:46 Mulan’s Kiss
05:09 Lumière Torches LeFou
05:36 Monsieur Toilette
05:59 Hawk and Mulan
06:28 Wrong Wishes
06:56 Alice Tackles Hamish
07:24 Alice’s Hat
07:45 Anders Gift
08:05 Underwater Rescue
08:21 Getting to Know you
08:39 Outro
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www.thethings.comWritten by: Zachary Goldberg
Narrated by: Zachary Goldberg
Edited by: Ajay Danny
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