Are you ready? Its time to leave the house! Can JJ and BINGO get everything ready before its time to go? Sing along to all the CoComelon family fun with the 'Time To Go' song!
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Parents: Are you ready? Time to go!
Are you ready?
JJ: No No NO!
Parents: What do you need? Do you know?
What do you need to go go go?
Verse 1 (JJ)
Think think think! What do I need?
Quick quick quick, super speed!
What what what..oh, I know!
Spoken: Pick my clothes
(Sung): go go go!
Chorus Reprise
Parents: Are you ready?
Time to go!
Are you ready?
JJ: No No NO!
Verse 2 (JJ)
Think think think! What do I need?
Quick quick quick, super speed!
What what what..oh, I know!
Spoken: Put shoes on
(Sung): Go go go!
Short interlude
Chorus Reprise
TomTom/YoYo: Are you ready?
Time to go!
Are you ready?
JJ: No No NO!
Verse 3 (JJ)
Think think think!
What do I need?
Quick quick quick
Super speed!
What what what..oh, I know!
Spoken: Pack my snack
(Sung): Go go go!
Chorus (In the car)
Family: Are you ready? Time to go!
Are you ready?
JJ: I think so!
Family: Got what you need? Do you know?
Got what you need to go go go?
Verse 4 (JJ)
Think think think! What do I need?
Quick quick quick, super speed!
What what what...oh, I know!
Spoken: Forgot my Teddy
(Sung): Go go go!
Everyone: Go go go!
Chorus (Everyone in the car)
Are we ready? Time to go!
Are we ready?
Yes let’s go!
JJ: Sure you’re ready? Do you know?
Short musical interlude while Dad gets his keys
Everyone: Yes we’re ready let’s go go go!
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Kids Channel