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Hurricane Elsa, yes this is a real thing haha. If you happened to be coming to disney within this week, there is a hurricane forecasted to hit us Monday-wednesday. I love the name Elsa so we went to Epcot to see Elsa herself ahah! This is also our last visit here at Epcot Flower and Garden 2021 this year, FOOD AND WINE is next. Got y festival favorites, saw Epcot forever for the first time in forever... hehe. Hope you enjoy! rain rain rain. Follow Me: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: My PO Box: P.O. Box 310 Windermere FL, 34786 SUPPORT ME: Donate to my Channel: My Patreon: Membership: Dreamers Website: My Merch: My Gear: Camera: Sony a7c Mic: Sony ECM-B1M Mic Lens: Sony 16-35MM 2nd Camera: Canon G7X Mark ii For Water Parks: Iphone 12 Pro Business Inquiries: <19> Thanks To All My Channel Members! Matthew Willson Lisa's Life Natalie Conway Topher Magellan Matthew Anthony Jerry Warren James G. John Morgan Nicolina P Patton Pandemonium Miranda084 Jrod Lockwood Sam Alicea Fairy Tale Family Lirr408 Mike88NYC Andrew Joslyn Michael McLeod Hadley S. Steve Hansen Jeriza Montano Will Simon Jess Garback ashalia11 WhirlOmar Ben Gardner Hannah Sakuma Marjorie Fisher Vanessa McLeod Melissa Demastrie John Mc Ken Dettman Alfred Menna Jake It Or Leave It Your girl Becca Sun Principe Leigh Ellen Barnes Dale Farmer Jon Mulawa