★Get this song on iTunes:
bit.ly/Buy-FKS2Jobs Song! What do you do? Sing, teach and learn about jobs in this very fun animated kids music video! Which one of our characters would you like to be, the teacher, doctor, dentist, carpenter or pilot?
What do YOU want to be when you’re older? Please tell us what you want to be, or what your job is, in the comments below!
There are 5 different jobs to learn in this song: teacher, dentist, doctor, carpenter and pilot!
What do you do? I'm a teacher.
Everybody say your ABCs. A-B-C-D-E!
What do you do? I'm a doctor.
Everybody listen to your heartbeat!
What do you do? I'm a dentist.
Everybody brush, brush, brush your teeth!
What do you do? I'm a carpenter.
Everybody bang your hammer!
What do you do? I'm a pilot.
Everybody fly a big, big plane!
Perfect for kindergarten, preschool, toddlers and the ESL & EFL classroom. Thank you very much for watching and sharing ^_^
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