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Get a print, original or an artbook: Music: Echolox - Bloom / Focus ⇨ ⇦ Patreon.................► deviantArt.............► Instagram.............► Originals & Prints..► Merch & Prints......► Twitter...................► Facebook..............► Questions about materials, brushes, colors, paper etc.? Watch my Q&A series! ⇨ ⇦ Ink / Colors / Material used: Watercolor (Schmincke), and Pencil on boesner grandbloc (back side of the paper) watercolor paper (200g) DINA4 about 2 hours Do not download and re-upload this video to any other website, for example your Facebook Page. You are allowed to embed it directly by using the YouTube link so that video description and in-video annotations stay intact.