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Hey friends yesterday I went to the Magic Kingdom to celebrate Easter Sunday luckily I was able to meet Mr. and Mrs. Easter bunny by Cinderella castle !! They had an Easter egg hunt and exchanged gifts and then hopped away After that I decided to check out some rides including Peter Pans flight which only had a 30 minute wait and then the country bear jamboree Well I got to see Chip & Dale dressed up in there cowboy outfits But to finish off the night Easter dinner at the liberty tree Tavern Check out my friends channel @The Theme Park Kid My P.O. BOX IS OPEN again if you want to send me a letter!! Paging Mr Morrow 3211 Vineland Rd PMB# 244 Kissimmee,FL 34746 My Email:<9> My Instagram: And If you'd like to help support the Channel you are more than welcome to