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Spending 16 consecutive hours in Disney World with five kids is about as challenging and exciting as it sounds! We had the extremely rare opportunity to start our last day in Disney World at a special sunrise session on Pandora in the Animal Kingdom. We had access to the park hours before it even opened! And if that wasn't enough, we finished our day by shutting down the park for the second time in 24 hours! This time in Star Wars Land in Hollywood Studios Park. We had the entire place to ourselves until well after hours at Disney World. The best part of that was getting the chance to experience Rise of the Resistance!!! One of the most immersive amusement park experiences I've ever witnessed in my entire life! Definitely went out with a bang wrapping up our first family trip to Disney World! But the fun doesn't end there, because tomorrow we board a Disney Cruise ship for the first time ever!! So make sure to come back tomorrow and continue this epic Disney family adventure! #ThisIsHowWeBingham #TIHWB Yesterday's VLOG: SUBSCRIBE and tell your friends ;) LET'S BE FAMILY EVERYWHERE! Facebook: Instagram: @ThisIsHowWeBingham TWITCH: Twitter: @HowWeBingham Snapchat: @HowWeBingham Blog: Store: BEST OF BINGHAM: Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1276 Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 Music provided by Epidemic Sound Family Fun, Family VLOG, Daily VLOG