Dinosaur Alphabet Zed | ABC of Dinosaurs | Learn about dinosaurs | NurseryTracks

  • Dinosaur Alphabet Zed | ABC of Dinosaurs | Learn about dinosaurs | NurseryTracks
    The grandchildren love dinosaurs and the older ones want to learn something about them. Here is the NurseryTracks Dinosaur Alphabet for all our young NurseryTracks fans! Enjoy.
    This is the "Zed" version, here's the "Zee" version. youtu.be/OjuYIs1AQsA
    Copyright information: Words and music: copyright Nick hall. Arrangement Nick Hall.
    Dinosaur Alphabet | ABC of Dinosaurs
    A Apatosaurus is so very tall
    B Brachiosaurus his head's very small
    C Campsognathus as small as a cat
    D Diplodocus he loves to eat plants
    E is for Eoraptor the first not the last
    F Fabrosaurus it runs very fast
    G Giganotosaurus he liked to eat meat
    H Heterodontosaurus had three kinds of teeth
    I is for Iguanodon with a spike on each thumb
    J Janenschia was so very long
    K Kentrosaurus had spikes on its back
    L Lambeosaurus what a strange looking hat
    M Maiasaura made nests for its pack
    N Nodosaurus was built like a tank
    O Oviraptor no teeth in its mouth
    P Parasaurolophus makes a very loud sound
    Q Quaesitosaurus moved very slow
    R Riojasaurus kept his head low
    S Stegosaurus the tiniest of brains
    T is for Triceratops had frills round its face
    U Unenlagia like a bird that ate meat
    V Velociraptor with claws on his feet
    W Wannanosaurus liked to eat fruit
    X Xiaosaurus as big as a pooch
    Y Yangchuanosaurus with a very strong mouth
    Z Zuniceratops had horns on its snout

    Category : Kids Channel

