"Royal Tribunal" Cartoons about tanks

  • King Dorian cannot forgive his officer for the loss of all of his equipment. The monster Dorian, who was defeated by Vladimir the Terrible, was investigated by engineering tanks under the command of Vladimir. Soviet tanks took away the quantum generator and other equally important mechanisms from Dorian. So, King Dorian decides to hold a royal tribunal. At a general meeting of all iron monsters, the King announces a verdict and sends this super-powerful tank into an energy trap. If you like tanks and cartoons, then I hope this episode will interest you. Well, if you enjoyed this video and if you don't want to miss out on new episodes, then maybe you need to subscribe to Valhalla Toons channel. Thanks for watching, friends! #valhalla_toons #tanks #cartoons_about_tanks # tanks_animation #dorian

    Category : Kids Channel

