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New to Anime? New to the Slice of Life genre? Well then this video will help you find the perfect anime to watch for you! All of the anime listed in this video have been based on the anime database 'Anilist'. Enable subtitles (English United States) for the Japanese parts! Want to buy me a coffee? I'll take a Latte Macchiato: Thanks for watching! P.S. Some parts of the video had to be replaced with still images P.P.S English subtitles provided by Razovy Timestamps 0:00 Introduction 0:25 K-ON 1:06 Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo 1:46 Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon 2:34 Hyouka 3:07 Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai 4:08 Hataraku Maou-sama 4:58 Violet Evergarden 5:25 Anohana 5:41 Toradora 6:12 Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso 7:05 Outro