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I rank all 10 theatrical releases from Walt Disney Pictures, Walt Disney Animation, Pixar Animation, Lucasfilm and Marvel Studios released in 2018. Movies include: Black Panther A Wrinkle in Time Avengers: Infinity War Solo: A Star Wars Story Incredibles 2 Ant-Man and the Wasp Christopher Robin The Nutcracker and the Four Realms Wreck-It Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the Internet Mary Poppins Returns #DisneyMovies2018 #Top10Movies #Top10Moviesof2018 #BestMovies2018 #BlackPanther #WrinkleInTime #Avengers #InfinityWar #AvengersInfinityWar #Solo #StarWars #Incredibles2 #AntManAndTheWasp #ChristopherRobin #Nutcracker #NutcrackerAndTheFourRealms #WreckItRalph2 #RalphBreaksTheInternet #MaryPoppins #MaryPoppinsReturns #Disney2018 #Pixar #Marvel #MCU #AvengersEndGame Shop on my AMAZON STORE for all the latest recommendations on media products and deals: Check me out on Facebook at: And at twitter: @davlee1991 And Instagram: @davelee1991 To buy from BOOK DEPOSITORY: Any purchases made via affiliate links will earn myself a very small commission, which will be used to further fund and develop my channel. By using these links you can help support my channel in a very small way. Logo by Sean Tayla: Visual Development & Design. Opening Music - HYPERFUN Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Between 2016/17, channel was previously: Disney Dave Down Under