Eight Great Live-Action Anime You (Probably) Haven't Seen

  • Entry 96: One of the first t-shirts I ever actively sought out was one featuring Goku going super saiyan and ripping through it. This was around 20 years ago. In the literal decades since, I have largely fallen off the manga wagon, but every so often I look in and see what's new and interesting, and then I get scared off because there's just *so much*. And now I want people to tell me what I should read, while I tell them what they should watch based on things maybe they've already read.
    You know the big live-action manga adaptations, and there are some very, very good ones based on huge properties (the Ruroni Kenshin trilogy is awesome) as well as plenty of lesser ones (Bleach, Death Note, etc.)... but I've found that most of the really good stuff is based on series that aren't so well known and, in many cases, don't come from the pages of Shonen Jump.
    Have you seen all of them? That's cool. There's a reason I said "Probably" in the title. As for "Great"? Well, there are a couple of items on the list that are merely "solid"/"worth watching," but what else was I going to say? "Interesting"? I don't have enough title real estate to be specific, and the majority of them are. Also, I actually talk about more than eight movies in the video, so get off my back, bro.
    Their links:
    - Joe is doing cool things on @Pause and Select without me: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jkx5zJcVrIY
    - Vox article the economics of the anime industry: www.vox.com/culture/2019/7/2/20677237/anime-industry-japan-artists-pay-labor-abuse-neon-genesis-evangelion-netflix
    - @Super Eyepatch Wolf turned me to Olympia Kyklos: www.youtube.com/watch?v=hE2cn0gfwys
    My links:
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    Letterboxd: letterboxd.com/twir/
    0:00 - Introduction(s)
    5:42 - Let's play a death game
    10:32 - Like tears on a bidet
    15:11 - Taking silly things seriously
    18:51 - These are a few of my favorite foods
    23:30 - We miss you, Keanu
    26:07 - Delusions of my own grandeur
    28:34 - The end of humanyty
    33:31 - Why I love(d(?)) manga
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    Category : Kids Channel

