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Let's learn to sound out and spell 3 letter words! Sing along with us and learn to spell these fun animal names. After we sing and practice together, can you spell them by yourself? Perfect for toddlers, preschool and kindergarten & the ESL & EFL classroom. Thank you very much for watching and sharing ^_^ ★Click here to subscribe★ ★Join Us★ Facebook: Twitter: Google+: ★Download Fun Kids Songs★ iTunes: Amazon: Google Play: CDBbaby: ★Check out our great ESL & EFL learning materials for children including music CDs, phonics readers, story books & more at: ★Lots of free materials for ESL & EFL teachers over at our website! Get free flash cards, posters, printables and much more. Great for the ESL & EFL classroom or at home: Learn English with our fun songs and chant videos made specifically for children learning ESL and EFL! Sing and dance along with us and have fun learning English! We make great educational videos for young learners, Pre-K, Kindergarten, toddlers, babies, Preschool children from all over the world and for children learning EFL and ESL :) Check out our Fun Kids Songs CDs, storybooks and free classroom materials for both teachers and parents at Words & Music Copyright Fun Kids English 2017 Video Copyright Fun Kids English 2016